friends of P(J)
written @ 2003-09-23 - 1:59 p.m.


dan bought a moog, and it's the coolest thing ever. i was playing around with it last night, and i wrote 4 songs. not kidding.

did you know i can play piano? it's true.

are the rentals still around? are they looking for a new synth player? man, i wish i had gone to see matt sharp a couple months ago when he was in town. i went to something else that night, though. i don't remember what...hmmm. ugh, that's gonna bother me.

had dinner at sunset grill last night. we ate in the bar, and they were playing all these great early 90s rap songs--like, house of pain, digital underground, sir mix-a-lot, and naughty by nature. dude, why can't rap be like that anymore? it was so much fun, everyone mouthing along with the songs. we started talking about that time, about the pop culture then, and about how no show is ever going to be as good as "saved by the bell." and, you know, it's not like "saved by the bell" was all that good of a show, but just thinking about it, thinking about that time in our's just nostalgia.

then, i started thinking about other correlations. your high school sweetheart, for example. high school relationships are bunk, everyone knows that. but when you think back, you kind of romanticize them because they seemed so great at the time. and you miss it. you miss the youthful-ness of it. that's why you should never marry the person you went out with in high school. it's not a real relationship. it's fake emotional attachment. that's also why you should never marry the person you lose your virginity to. fake emotional attachment.

but i really wanted to be kaiser sosay
written @ 2003-09-23 - 2:54 a.m.


Fight Club!

What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
brought to you by Quizilla

choice ;)


Which Celebrity would you hook up with if you were drunk?
brought to you by Quizilla

how does it feel to be one of the beautiful people?
written @ 2003-09-22 - 5:36 p.m.


* sonic youth
* superdrag
* the postal service
* X
* reverend horton heat
* foo fighters (with and without pat smear)
* jon spencer blues explosion
* bob dylan
* johnny cash
* ben folds (god, i wish i had seen the five)


* broken social scene/metric show
* carolyn's birthday party
* my day off tomorrow
* moving to nashville
* driving with my windows down instead of the A/C
* margaritas at la siesta
* seeing laws rushing on thursday
* marrying joie todd (jay kay, kids, jay kay)
* new season of gilmore girls


* eyeliner and mascara
* deodorant
* a watch
* cell phone (i guess that counts)
* the raddest shoes on the block
* hair goo
* a smile
* underwear (well, usually...wink wink)


* people who don't return phone calls or reply to emails
* bad lighting
* sophie tearing up all my shiz-nit
* being categorized
* messy mall patrons (bunch of savages in this town...)
* overall rude behavior
* the president and people's loving reactions to him


* snooze button
* a puppy named sophie
* computer keyboard
* digi cam
* my eyeballs (contacts, kids)
* wink wink, nudge nudge, mhmm


* amelie
* a christmas story
* rushmore
* donnie darko
* spinal tap


* april damn dye
* lisa marie
* larissa sutherland, my savior
* jeff weiner


* the high strung, these are good times
* radiohead, hail to the thief
* the decemberists, castaways and cutouts


* the white album
* paul's boutique


* sophie flugenbaum

dream a little dream
written @ 2003-09-22 - 4:43 p.m.


two nights in a row i've had very explicit sexual dreams about the same boy.

the first one took place in this store that sold all this rad ass rockabilly wear. the second was in my parents' garage.

this dream i had last night had a couple different parts. one, the sex (it's blake, by the way), and then this surreal emotional breakdown involving jeremy. i was hanging out with my dream-friends (you know, when you have a dream and all these people are in it as your friends, but in real life you have no idea who they are). they were all girls, and i decided to bring jeremy along. so, one of the girls is giving jer the evil eye all night, and finally, towards the end, goes to confront him about whatever it is that's bothering her. she tells him, "you know, i'm a friend of jennifer's, and i don't appreciate what you did to her." jeremy freaks out, starts blubbering and crying, and asks me to take him home.

i have no idea what that means.

coincidentally, i vaguely remember that last part of the dream taking place in a bowling alley. or maybe someone was just wearing a bowling shirt. eh, who knows.

yeah, and speaking of blake, he was in a car accident last night. he's ok, but apparently his car isn't. i haven't seen him or it, so i don't really know. i wonder if my dream had anything to do with it....the twisted prophecies of lori t. heh, nah.


andy broke up with heather last night. something about he's depressed and doesn't feel like he can devote enough time and energy to a relationship right now, blah blah blah. i talked to her last night, tried to console her, but you know, i just had to act like i didn't see it coming. in fact, i almost fucked up so badly. it went like this:

heather: so, are you shocked?
me: well, it didn't stop me in my tracks or anything.
heather: what?! what does that mean?
me: no no no, that sounded horrible. of course i didn't mean it like that...uh...
heather: well?
me: what i meant was, when i got your message and you said something very bad happened, the first things that popped in my mind were that either someone has died or that you and andy broke up. i'm not totally shocked because i was...prepared.
heather: oh ok, that makes sense.

phew. of course that's not what i meant, but that's between me and you, mkay?

only for acree would i come to this place
written @ 2003-09-22 - 1:25 a.m.

i heard a girl say that as she walked into the red rose tonight.

"only for acree." ha. "only for michael acree's off-key growling would i come to this place...." "only for michael acree's obnoxious drunken ass would i come to this place...." "only for tyler mcdaniel would i come to this place...."

the pine hill haints are one of my favorite bands to see play. their sound, well, let's just say it pre-dates the word "country." there's four of them--guitar, washboard, washtub bass, and snare drum. their music is totally simplistic, totally 1920s, and totally rockin'. kinda like if jon spencer played country music. i did some research on them, and they don't have a website (at least not one that i found), but i dug up some stuff that was interesting nontheless.

pine hill is a graveyard smack dab in the middle of auburn university, and contains the remains of pretty much every important family in auburn history--basically, if there's a building on campus named after somebody, that person is probably buried at pine hill. and there are actually people who just hang out there and give tours. during the tour, you are led from grave to grave by a guide, and you get a mini-bio of the person buried there or someone dressed as that person walks out of the shadows (creepy!) and tells you about his or her life.

isn't that cool? morbid a little, yeah, but it sounds really...neat.

by the way, "haint" is another word for "ghost." it's a backwoods term. sometimes ghosts are also called "boogers." i know this because i grew up in the foothills of appalachia.

oh yeah, trailer bride was really good, too.

woman above women
written @ 2003-09-20 - 3:57 p.m.

spinning: BEN FOLDS "DOG"

seriously? i am the female joie todd? i don't know exactly how to take that.

but i guess it makes me a messiah, too.


today's the first day i've had a true hangover in quite a while. i dry heaved twice this morning, so now i've got these little red spots on my face (gin blossoms, they're called).

mountain dew + gin = ted dewgint.

brilliant, if i don't say so myself.


what's on tap tonight, friends?

this slacker lifestyle that we do so we-e-ell
written @ 2003-09-19 - 3:12 a.m.

spinning: MY HEAD


cd's today:

the polyphonic spree
the trachtenberg family slideshow players
q and not u

today's action:

01. lunch with james at calypso cafe
02. grimey's
03. appointment for hair fairy treatment (court rox my fkkin sox off)
04. hang with the chad (subtext: guitars, painkillers, and sex)
05. snuck into theater to see new robert rodriguez flick (subtext: johnny depp is fucking sick)
06. NCAA football is APT109.
07. BOY B looked incredibly adorable.
08. and yeah, i smoke a little weed occassionally.

sexdrugsandrocknroll all in one day. congrats, kid, you're a star.

if you note the self-deprication, then you're on the right track, baby!

what could be more exciting than the savage ballet that is pro football?
written @ 2003-09-18 - 2:12 a.m.

why is it an altogether hillbilly thing to say the words, "i reckon," yet the phrase "a force to be reckoned with" is completely embraced by all american cultures?


a few hours ago i was sitting in the living room of APT109 watching the boys play NCAA football 2003 on xbox. they had been playing all night, trying to beat the LSU tigers, who, apparently, were unstoppable. it's totally amazing to me how people get so sucked into video games, especially ones that involve organized sports. now, just to clarify, i'm not excluding myself in this. i was just as wrapped up in the touchdowns and fumbles as the guys were, and that's when it occurred to me: i cannot deny my love for organized sports any longer.

i love college football and basketball, i love major league baseball, i love tennis, i love the NBA, i even love golf. i love watching ESPN. i love sports trivia. i love sports fans, and i love sports bars.

there. do with that what you will.

baby's got the bens (thanks, jer--btw, did i mention how surreal it was to be sitting with you and have you say, "hey, that's what you should call your next journal entry!"...)
written @ 2003-09-17 - 1:09 p.m.

hair parted: TO THE LEFT

01. today, i'm sick (again, thank you, jer.). i woke up, and my throat felt like someone had been sliding down it wearing sandpaper skis. that coupled with the fact that my wisdom teeth are consistently compromising the integrity of my gums right now is good enough reason for me to stay home today. ouchie.

02. as of yesterday, i am ok with talking to ben (BOY C) again. it doesn't feel weird anymore, and besides, he's leaving for san francisco for a week today, so i don't really have to deal with it until later. i know that's a defeatist attitude, but oh well.

03. i was praised by ben m. for being the only person who has made an effort to miss him now that he's moving to indiana. which, yeah, that fuels my ego a bit, but also makes me feel sad because he's bascially slandering our other friends, the guys, by saying that they don't give a damn about him. during that conversation, i wanted to speak up, to defend APT109 (jd especially because in ben's mind, he was the ultimate culprit), because they aren't like that. at least, that's definitely not how i know them as. but, i didn't say anything because i didn't want to start anything i shouldn't.

yeah, then i had sex with him. good thinking, lori. thumbs up.

04. the high strung...kicks ass. show last night was loads of fun. and i got to talk to man above men, joie todd, who, while unexpectedly hugging me, invited me to hang out and instructed me to "get on" jeremy about it. yes, he said, "get on him!" and i wanted to say, "i already have!"

i'm so glad i'm able joke about that.

05. it's been occurring to me lately that all i seem to be writing about is boys, bands, boys in bands, and sex. it all seems so...superficial. that's really not all that encompasses my life, i promise you.

06. i had a dream last night that i was talking to steve martin on the phone. i told him about how i think that most people overlook his incredibly skilled and genius writing talent (pick up a copy of shopgirl or picasso at the laupin agile, i'm not kidding). he seemed very gracious. i just wish i could remember the circumstance that allowed me to be able to talk to steve martin on the phone.

that's telekinesis, kyle
written @ 2003-09-16 - 2:04 p.m.


let me be a schoolgirl again for a moment.

i met jd at la siesta just a bit ago during his class break. he was wearing a black button-up shirt and maroon-striped tie, and looked...ok, hot. hot hot hot.

i asked him what was the occassion for the dress-up, and he said he was going to start wearing ties more often, that they were really comfortable.

hell yes.

on a side note, i was coincidentally wearing a short black skirt and a sweater. we totally looked like business people on our lunch breaks, and not the slacker college kids we are.

anyway. yes, i love jd. but, sadly, i can never date him. and the reason why is this: we have the same core group of friends. here's why that wouldn't work out.

jd and i both have the same idea for a perfect relationship. see each other, like, 3 times a week, spend a couple nights together, and the rest of the time is spent the fuck away from each other. that's to give time to hang out with friends and do non-relationship stuff so that you don't go insane.

but, since jd and i have the same friends, the time spent the fuck away from each other and with each other's respective friends...yeah, that's not gonna quite work out.

when heather and andy started dating, heather went from being a girl-friend who hangs out with us at APT109 to being classified solely as andy's girlfriend. i would never want that to happen to me.

knowing this, knowing that i won't ever be with him...just makes me want it more.

let's just all stay single and miserable together forever, mmkay?

just what i needed
written @ 2003-09-16 - 5:54 a.m.

dear d. miller,

you are the sweetest, funniest, and most easy-to-talk-to boy. thank you for being so awesome.

love, lori

chewy treats
written @ 2003-09-15 - 5:47 p.m.


lori t's concert calendar.


trailer bride @ the red rose, sun 09/21
norma jean @ blue sky court, fri 09/26


broken social scene/metric @ 12th & porter, fri 10/03
pretty girls make graves @ the end, tues 10/07
evan dando/vic chesnutt @ exit/in, wed 10/08
feable weiner @ the boro, fri 10/10
beulah @ 12th & porter, sat 10/11
Q and not U @ the red rose, fri 10/17
over the rhine @ 12th & porter, sun 10/19
josh rouse @ exit/in, sat 10/25


mates of state @ (TBA), sat 11/01
feable weiner record release w/the pink spiders @ the muse, sat 11/15