cell phone cyborg
written @ 2003-09-02 - 1:50p.m.

shoes: NONE

so, i, dumbass, have lost my cell phone. the last time i used it was at lisa's party a couple days ago, and when i left there, it wasn't in my purse. i emailed zach and asked him to look around his house for me, but he said he hasn't been able to find it.

my mom's gonna kick my ass, especially since i've only had that phone for a few months after sophie ate my other one. i wonder if i have phone insurance....

anyway, it's a horrible feeling not having my phone. yeah, i have a house phone. but, nobody knows that number. and all the numbers i need are stored in my phone, so i feel completely useless without it.

i can't live like this, i tells ya!

so, i went to the drive-thru window at the bank a minute ago, and they put a couple dog biscuits in the tubey thing along with my receipt (yes, sophie was with me). that's not the first time that's happened. one day i went to the drive-thru at wendy's, and the woman at the window handed me a dog biscuit. is this some kind of new phenomenon? i mean, i guess it's cute, and i do appreciate it being a dog owner, but it's just...weird.

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